01 April 2012


Is it normal to be angry and jealous of others with their new healthy perfect babies, not having to deal with life or death situations and doctors or having to deal with medical bills you can't pay or having to deal with your phone ringing all day with mean people and bad news. If its not well then I guess it's too bad because I am. It's not fair having a baby should not be this hard or this expensive. I love you Annabeth but I just don't know what to do anymore I have ran into every brick wall and nothing I do is helping I am afraid we are going to lose everything and be living on the streets. I wish you could tell me what to do. I wish you could drink formula that could be bought at a store I wish you didn't need special doctors. In tired of crying every single day I'm tired of bring angry and I'm tired of my country not helping me when I did my time I served my country I earned my right to be here. This all sucks and I can't seem to do anything right. I even thought ok well I'll make things and sale them well that's near impossible it's outrageous to purchase business licenses and what not here, it's much easier in Oregon. I do love you and I hope you know I have tried everything under the sun to get help and nothing had helped. I'm trying to give you a wonderful life I truly am. Please forgive me if I continue to fail. I love you and I'll keep trying I'm just so tired.

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