22 April 2012

Earth day festival

Well sweetness today was your first earth day festival. Now normally a day like today my favorite day to celebrate we would have all got to the festival and had a spectacular day for free. However today was not so spectacular for you or your sister Isabella. This earth day was unusually eight billion degrees. WOW. We did everything to cool you and baby Bella down but there was no escaping the heat. Insane. You cried and Isabella couldn't get comfortable or drink enough water. Finally though we got cool and hour into being there and things were better. You didn't get much of any sort of nap so right now at 11:21 pm you are fast asleep or totally conked out for that matter. You finally stopped fussing and crying after and cool bath and half a bottle fell asleep at 8pm and have been asleep the whole time. Your sisters too are totally just out like a light. I think you all are going to sleep the whole night through :D.

So now let me tell you what we saw there today. First thing as soon as we get there sure enough there is always someone smoking with a baby in their arms or pregnant. This time the lady had a baby type carrier on with the baby facing out with her poor like head fell all the way forward looking like it was cutting off circulation and breathing all the while smoking a cigarette. Other mothers and I were livid. Then we see other smokers and more smokers. Riddle me this why do they allow smokers at an EARTH DAY FESTIVAL. Just sayin. Then we saw a person pass out from lack of water and food, poor guy. The wind came up and we saw a booths canopy fly off their area into the people walking around thank goodness for everyone acting quickly I don't think anyone was injured just startled, it was so random. I felt bad for the people that worked the booth it was so unexpected. Your dad all day was so grumpy and irritable because he wore jeans and a thick T-shirt, I told him he was going to be entirely too hot because it's always somewhat warm on at this festival (this one being insanely hot). He was miserable. Although he was grumpy he could have been worse. Then on our way home tonight we watched a lightening storm happen from Reno to Dayton. It was beautiful. I wish we would have been home to witness it instead of driving I could have tried to get pictures of it and show the girls. When we got home we rushed all three of you girls in because you all were sleeping so we didn't want to wake you but we didn't. Lorelei was put on the couch and is still there totally out, Bella was put at the foot of our bed and still there totally out, you I left in your car seat because you were snoring you were sleeping so good so I wasn't about to disturb you till it was necessary. Then as your father and I were unloading our many bags because I always pack for several days it seems: 1 rolling duffle bag, 1 stroller, 1 diaper bag, 2 giant Costco bags, a camera bag, and a baby carrier, anyway so I'm noticing my house is a total wreck and I could have sworn it was clean before I left but I guess I was totally wrong. Omg it's trashed Lolol I'm not cleaning tomorrow lololol.

Ok that was your day it was good and bad :) I love you girls :D

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